Payroll Processing

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Payroll Services

Payroll is often the most significant expense for business owners, and payroll responsibilities can be time-consuming and complicated. Regardless of how many employees you have, processing payroll demands your time that could otherwise be spent on other responsibilities. Payroll errors are costly to business owners. Employers could face fines and penalties for improperly calculated payroll taxes or failure to report federal and state government agencies. Our payroll services allow you to save time by having us handle payroll responsibilities on your behalf so that you can focus on running your business. We stay updated with changes in payroll regulations, so you can rest assured that your business complies with payroll taxes.

Our payroll services include:

  • Direct Deposit and Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
  • Payroll tax compliance, payroll processing, and tax filing
  • W-2, W-3
  • Payroll Tax Payments
  • Payment of third-party withholdings such as insurance

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